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  • Our system utilizes many proprietary methods and automation tools to accept orders on your behalf, just as a paid Virtual assistant would, except at a fraction of time. Whether your orders require a link to be clicked, logging in, or a google catpcha code to be entered, our automated system gives you the perfect chance at grabbing that order. You can provide your auto-accept criteria, then only the orders you want will be captured, and only the number of orders you’re capable of finish. You’re in full control.

  • Our system operate in the cloud, so you don’t need to do any thing special in your computer. Agents who use our system are talented professionals who are serious about their business, and are among the most competitive people in the industry. Joining our service allows you access to a fastest order accept system, which has been certified to expand agent’s business and increase profits over time.

  • You’ll start to receive Acceptance emails for many of your solicitations, rather than your competition.  You may even receive order confirmations for orders you didn’t even know were out there, by way of our Fastest acceptance service.

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